
The BEST way to collect money from a group.

Fronting for the group is a thing of the past.

DimeIn = Guaranteed payment and outsourced nagging


Every group organizer knows— collecting money from people SUCKS:

  • Friends don’t pay you back.

  • You come off as naggy (which ruins friendships).

  • Fun ideas end up fizzling out.

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This takes the fun out of organizing cool things to do with your friends, and it shouldn’t be that way.


DimeIn is the better way to organize and collect for your activities and events.

How It Works

  1. Set up your DimeIn event details.

  2. Invite people to chip in.

  3. Let DimeIn do the dirty work for you (reminding and collecting).

  4. Get paid by EVERYONE, before you spend a dime of your own money.

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Using DimeIn

  • keeps you from getting stiffed by someone.

  • ensures everyone pays their fair share.

  • keeps you from feeling like the bad guy.

DimeIn is the BEST way to collect money. Period.


What are you planning?


What People Are Saying

This really is the way it should be done. If you’re the organizing “type”, you should be using DimeIn EVERY TIME.
— Katie
I just want to get the money part done and make it happen. DimeIn makes that part quick and painless.
— Sabrina
I’m just always the one putting everything together, which I don’t mind, but getting stiffed by the same people you’re hoping to go out and have a good time with takes the fun out of it entirely.
— Tim

The Crappy Part Of Organizing — Off Your Plate

Because DimeIn collects UPFRONT, you won’t ever have to worry about getting paid back again.

Focus on enjoying the activity, rather than dealing with the drama.

Keep sharing experiences with your friends without risking any more of your time, money, or energy.